
Rawnalyze is a freeware Windows program (which also works through wine) for analyzing digital camera raw files. The author, GaborSch, AKA PanoPeeper, passed away in 2010. As documentation for this program is becoming hard to find, this page serves as an archive for the latest version of Rawnalyze and its manual.

The documentation was cloned from the original source(dead link) long ago (but without images), and then from Charles Vassallo's mirror (with images) on 2014-03-10. The only changes made to the documentation involved passing it through tidy-html5 to clean up obsolete tags, removal of e-mail addresses and dead links, and replacing onmouseover javascript tooltips with an always-visible list to make reading possible for mouseless users (smartphones, tablets, etc).

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Raw Image Analyzer User's Guide

Rawnalyze is a computer program devised for the support of detailed analysis of raw images created by digital cameras.

Table of Contents

Also (not part of Rawnalyze, but connected topic)

Note: the term color often occurs in this guide relating to pixels of the raw image. The exact meaning is raw pixel with a specific color filter. It is important to understand, that a raw pixel alone does not represent a specific color. The color of the captured scenery can be evaluated only in conjunction with the surrounding pixels of other colors.

Modified: 2008-01-25